Deep Rich Data and Barter Rewards Strike Big with George W. Bush Pariody Video

Barter Rewards and Deep Rich Data Strike Big
George W. Bush Parody Video Scores 78,000+ YouTube Views in 6 Days with the Thomas R. Reich Developed SEO Method!
Reprinted from PRWeb
On March 8, 2013, Tate Carson looked at his 3-month-old video featuring a very funny George W. Bush impersonator, John C. Morgan, and saw 311 total views on YouTube. “Barter Rewards is one of the premier barter companies with great reach and a great website but we had no idea how to promote a video,” Mr. Carson said.
Tate decided to try the new social media protocol called “Deep Rich Data” which has been getting some buzz lately. Thomas R. Reich, developer of Deep Rich Data said, “I come from a music industry background; in the past I promoted INXS, WHAM, Debbie Gibson, Yes and 60 other gold and platinum successes.” Reich continued, “We used taste makers

and key stores back in the 90’s, I found a way to incorporate key social media nodes to effect the same result.”
By Monday March 11, 2013, the video “21st Century Trade Exchange” had 3400+ hits; it started to get noticed. By Wednesday, total YouTube views hit 40,000+ and on Thursday March 14, the number topped 78,000. Reich iterates, “It reminds me of the old days of the music industry really, if a product was good, you got it noticed and it took care of itself. This is a great video.”
Tom Reich, Marketing Director for BizCentral USA explains that the key to any successful promotion is a great product. “The video follows the cardinal rules of YouTube success.” Reich continues, “It is under 1 minute, funny, has accomplished talent, written well and represents a respected product.”
Tate Carson, founder of Barter Rewards said, “We were looking for a funny but wholesome spokesman for Barter Rewards. John C. Morgan fit the bill, he is the best Bush impersonator out there, and I think some may think it’s really him. It’s all in good fun.”

“I’m a Barter Rewards member myself so the fit was great,” said Orlando based actor John C. Morgan. “I will not bring George out for anything mean spirited. This was good natured and all in good fun. You can feel Bush’s values of love, country, God and family behind the jokes.”
“The key to making a video hit with big views using the Deep Rich Data method is the same as it ever was,” said Thomas R. Reich who was CEO of Cheetah Records in the 90’s, “one part talent, one part good product, one part promotion and one part luck.”
Barter Rewards is an international barter company, for more information on the Barter Rewards programs call 407-251-0980.