Targeted Traffic; What Every Website Needs

Content Marketing by Thomas R. Reich PhD

Driving Targeted Traffic to Your Website

 By: Thomas R. Reich PhD


Driving targeted traffic to a small business website is the key challenges that  “Internet Gurus” have to deal with successfully to be effective in their efforts. In the online world, it is all about targeted internet traffic that determines the success of a small business website in the effort of generating actual leads to the business itself.

Websites that are successful in driving targeted traffic to the websites blogs, end up generating actualContent Marketing by Thomas R. Reich PhD useful leads to the business the website was created to promote. Even, a successful website has to consistently analyze and increase the online targeted traffic to its website to stay ahead of the competition.

The success of Google as a search engine has largely been due to increasing online traffic to the Google website and maintaining that market share by introducing new and technologically innovative services that are all within a targeted area of expertise.   They give the visitor something of value, and that something of value is what the visitor is looking for.

Content Marketing by Thomas R. Reich PhD One sure shot method of increasing the traffic to your website is to put the relevant keywords and phrases on the site. Also submit the site to the search engines for indexing. There are numerous submission services available in the online world that will allow a user to submit the website to multiple search engines.   Including the relevant keywords, and phrases on your website, this will help increases the rankings of your website on the search engines.


With greater site rankings related to your area of expertise as defined in your keywords,  there is greater traffic to the website resulting in greater numbers of potential clients.




A website is a marketing tool and it must become an information resource for knowledge seekersContent Marketing by Thomas R. Reich PhD searching for information, this is how targeted traffic is attracted.  Online presence increases the validity of a business and at present small to medium businesses will benifite from working to build a well run website, blog and information resource for their target market, this creates an authority site in your business, a website others will want to link back to as a resource.


Consistent analysis of wesite statistics must also be a part of any businesses activities, in order to keep track of relevant and obscure content. The site statistics may be analyzed to determine the sections of the website that are drawing greater site traffic and the obscure contents of the site may be replaced with the more relevant content. Online retailers may analyze the products and service that are drawing hits on their website and replace the obsolete content. Holding the attention of online consumers and visitors is the key to the success of any website, weather selling a product or service.

Content Marketing by Thomas R. Reich PhD The search engine optimization techniques being implemented for the website should also be evaluated on a consistent basis. The search engine optimization services industry has also evolved into a multibillion dollar industry over the past years. Most of the Fortune 500 companies have an in house SEO team to consistently analyze the rankings of the website on search engines, why would a small business not want to do the same if they could – well you can.


Search Engine Optimization is an ongoing process and the results should be consistently analyzed to Content Marketing by Thomas R. Reich PhDdetermine, what works and what does not.  Online marketing techniques such as Pay per Click etc, may also be used to drive traffic to your website.


The Key Phrases that are being searched and are getting the hits may be used on the website for getting greater traffic. Putting relevant keywords and key phrases as per the business purpose of your website is a sure shot way of drawing traffic to your website. Google Page Rank may be checked on a monthly basis to determine the site rankings.   Content Marketing by Thomas R. Reich PhD

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