21 Super Nonprofit Marketing Tips!
21 Super Nonprofit Marketing Tips:
Things Every Nonprofit Organization Needs and the Donor Want!
By Thomas R. Reich PhD
Let’s start with an old adage: the most important donation you ever get from a donor is the second donation. Do not forget to market to your base as well as new prospects.
With Internet marketing, spend 10 percent of your time or more on testing; make sure your great marketing idea reads through to the donors.
Knowing your competition and adapting to donor motivation and behavior is not an option. It is an absolute necessity for competitive survival.
A well-designed Pinterest site can hold all your videos, testimonials, blogs and inspirational pictures in one place all leading back to your website.
Using a properly designed social media network and a functional nonprofit website can replace the old fashioned Yellow Pages.
Be ever alert of your nonprofit organization’s internet reputation. Know the power of repetition. Be sure your message is consistent. Employ reputation management.
The two most common mistakes nonprofit organizations make in using the phone is failing to track results and tracking the wrong thing. Involve your CRM and website in all outreach calls.
Internet marketing activities should be efficient, consistent and not just a cry for funds. Build your nonprofit organization’s reputation and trust while fishing for prospects.
It costs five times as much to sell a new donor as an existing donor. Nurture your
member base with consistent updates, newsletters, and offers.
Selling 100 percent of the time in all things marketing can gradually lead to low open rates of your nonprofit organization’s emails, web promotions, and webinars. Remember, give your members something first; become an information source. Then they are your friend and outreach for funds becomes secondary.
You must entice your prospects to enter your website and then be prepared to wow them! Don’t think that mission superiority, technology, innovation, or nonprofit organization size will sell itself.
New prospects are great, but they are not members of your cause until they donate to you or sponcer you. You must pay attention to your present member base, in order to build new donors; a happy donor base will help you build you nonprofit organization’s reputation, trust and new prospects.
Remember, when you build your social media branches and the information parts of your website, stress how you can improve a situation or problem. People don’t donate to a logo, they donate to a cause they believe in.
Direct mail campaign can cost $1.25 per piece or more and give less than 1% results. Putting that same campaign cost into a great social media campaign and a
consistant email newsletter will reach far more people with far less cost per hit.
The average nonprofit organization never hears from 96 percent of its unsatisfied donors. Actively look for unsatisfied members and become a problem solver. 40 percent of unsatisfied donors note no one ever contacted them after the initial pitch for donations.
50 percent of those donors who complain would be involved with the nonprofit organization again if their complaints were handled satisfactorily. Pay attention to your donor base.
You love to get those testimonials and compliments; we all do. But it is estimated that donors are twice as likely to talk about their bad experiences as their good ones, make sure to take positive action on these as well, don’t ignore the negative, turn to positive if you can.
Have a talk with your staff, building a good member base is a gallant cause and will increase business. However, marketing is everyone’s business, regardless of title or position in the organization.
If your misssion is a great answer to a hunger concern, don’t claim it will sharpen the pencils too. Exaggerated claims can produce inflated expectations that the nonprofit organization or its service cannot live up to, thereby resulting in dissatisfied donors.
Target marketing is the key and will lead to much greater results. Get to know your prime donor type—the 20 percent of donors account for 80 percent of your budget.
Bonus: Remember that good marketing is bringing your mission or service to light
with potential donors to your nonprofit organization. If you over sell in the mission, sales has nowhere to go. Marketing’s job is to excite prospects about the virtues of the actual solution you provide.
href=”http://troblinreich.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/npmarketing-2.jpg”>21 Super Marketing Tips Every Nonprofit Organization Needs and the Donor Want!
By Thomas R. Reich PhD
Let’s start with an old adage: the most important donation you ever get from a donor is the second donation. Do not forget to market to your base as well as new prospects.
With Internet marketing, spend 10 percent of your time or more on testing; make sure your great marketing idea reads through to the donors.
Knowing your competition and adapting to donor motivation and behavior is not an option. It is an absolute necessity for competitive survival.
A well-designed Pinterest site can hold all your videos, testimonials, blogs and inspirational pictures in one place all leading back to your website.
Using a properly designed social media network and a functional nonprofit website can replace the old fashioned Yellow Pages.
Be ever alert of your internet reputation. Know the power of repetition. Be sure your message is consistent. Employ reputation management.
The two most common mistakes nonprofit organizations make in using the phone is failing to track results and tracking the wrong thing. Involve your CRM and website in all outreach calls.
Internet marketing activities should be efficient, consistent and not just a cry for funds. Build your reputation and trust while fishing for prospects.
It costs five times as much to sell a new donor as an existing donor. Nurture your
member base with consistent updates, newsletters, and offers.
Selling 100 percent of the time in all things marketing can gradually lead to low open rates of your emails, web promotions, and webinars. Remember, give your members something first; become an information source. Then they are your friend and outreach for funds becomes secondary.
You must entice your prospects to enter your website and then be prepared to wow them! Don’t think that mission superiority, technology, innovation, or organization size will sell itself.
New prospects are great, but they are not members of your cause until they donate to you or sponcer you. You must pay attention to your present member base, in order to build new donors; a happy donor base will help you build reputation, trust and new prospects.
Remember, when you build your social media branches and the information parts of your website, stress how you can improve a situation or problem. People don’t donate to a logo, they donate to a cause they believe in.
Direct mail campaign can cost $1.25 per piece or more and give less than 1% results. Putting that same campaign cost into a great social media campaign and a
consistant email newsletter will reach far more people with far less cost per hit.
The average nonprofit organization never hears from 96 percent of its unsatisfied donors. Actively look for unsatisfied members and become a problem solver. 40 percent of unsatisfied donors note no one ever contacted them after the initial pitch for donations.
50 percent of those donors who complain would be involved with the organization again if their complaints were handled satisfactorily. Pay attention to your donor base.
You love to get those testimonials and compliments; we all do. But it is estimated that donors are twice as likely to talk about their bad experiences as their good ones.
Have a talk with your staff, building a good member base is a gallant cause and will increase business. However, marketing is everyone’s business, regardless of title or position in the organization.
If your misssion is a great answer to a hunger concern, don’t claim it will sharpen the pencils too. Exaggerated claims can produce inflated expectations that the causet or service cannot live up to, thereby resulting in dissatisfied donors.
Target marketing is the key and will lead to much greater results. Get to know your prime donor type—the 20 percent of donors account for 80 percent of your budget.
Bonus: Remember that good marketing is bringing your mission or service to light
with potential donors. If you over sell in the mission, sales has nowhere to go. Marketing’s job is to excite prospects about the virtues of the actual solution you provide.
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